Diagnosis and Treatment: Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Exposure The Impact of Today’s Wireless Technology
18 hours of presentations plus lecture slides and 4.5 hours of bonus content: Panel Discussion: The Nuts and Bolts of EMF Avoidance: How to Retrofit Your Home and Office and Panel Discussion: Global, National & Local EMF Policy Updates and Actions
This activity was approved for 15.0 CME credits
Electromagnetic fields conference 2019
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EMFC 2019
EMFC 2019 is the first conference of its kind in the United States to bring the best scientific cutting-edge resources to healthcare providers on wireless radiation exposures (5G, cell towers, cell phones, wireless devices) that affect the health and vitality of every person in our country.
Global experts in this field provide clinical guidance on how to recognize, evaluate, and treat signs and symptoms related to exposure to wireless radiation as well as clearly define strategies for avoidance and treatment.
“What’s happening here at EMFC 2019 is going to jumpstart a much needed change in the mainstream medical community.”
Presenter Cindy Russell, MD
Executive Director of Physicians for Safe Technology
2019 Speakers
“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century. It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant”.
William Rea, MD,
Founder & Director of the Environmental Health Center Dallas; Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine