Peter Sierck
Peter Sierck is a Baubiologist, Industrial Hygienist and Principal of Environmental Testing & Technology, Inc. (ET&T) located in San Diego, California. Since 1986, Peter has conducted environmental building and indoor air quality surveys. He grew up in Germany, received his Baubiology training in Germany and was one of the first instructors for the IBE in Clearwater, Florida. He is a Committee member for the Baubiology Standard and is a honorary member at the German association of building biologists (VDB). Currently, he is active in the following organizations or committees: IESO (Indoor Environmental Standard Organization), IAQA (Indoor Air Quality Association), IICRC (Institute for Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification), Institute für Baubiologie und Ökologie, Neubeuern (IBN) in Germany, and Carpet Fabricare Institute (CFI).